november is postponed until january.

due to some hideous blockage in the ancient pipes which we use to transport meshmass to the orifice the november 2016 release is not yet available to the world. SHAME! (i hear you cry) - and right you are, we are ashamed, ashamed and disgusted. mostly we are disgusted because we have had to use wire coathangers straightened and then bent into hooks to cut through hideous clouds, crusts and gobbets of dried, congealed and rotting meshmass encrusted in our tubes. dear lord, the stench! but anyway, that's christmas for you, we mustn't grumble, everything will turn out lovely, just ask boris. november is so startlingly overdue that it has become next year already and we are nearly 2 months behind. if the meshmass backs up any further here we will all be drowned, or something. latest research indicates that despite extensive efforts to burn and otherwise destroy excess meshmass november still weighs in at a thoroughly swollen 2 hours 35 minutes and is hot and painful to the touch. we have diverted teams of technicians towards solving this problem without apparent success, and what is more we have to play a gig, this one at 'the spirit of gravity' in brighton, somewhere under the station in something that resembles a disused sewer. and on a thursday, too, in the middle of winter. there is no mercy for us. but we do not deserve mercy, only contumely and novelty headgear. eager (nay, desperate) subscribers must wait. november is postponed.