a merry christmas to all our reader.

outfreaker by meshmass and a happy new year to everyone who is not in government. because even though we are "all in this together" some of us are in deeper than others.
after what seems an inordinate length of tim (tim is very tall, but not as tall as richard) the heroic forces of meshmass have regrouped and gathered at the mustering point to produce - once again - excessive quantities of what they describe as 'music'.

we recently sent our imaginary album 'februarians' to that fine novelist michel faber who was good enough to remark "congratulations on having made this excellent music". if you want a copy we could probably manage that, but for now here is a completely unrelated piece....

welcome home by meshmass

apply to auralwitness@gmail.com 
crawling from beneath a pile of wet leaves meshmass pokes a little pale shoot up into the freezing, substandard light of the english winter. this particular frond is inscribed with the details of a new page on soundcloud dedicated to recordings made live in front of people. we would like you to book us to play live in your house, (you can invite both your friends), there are only 2 of us, we don't take up much room and we can play at domestic volumes.

here is a link to the new page: http://soundcloud.com/meshmass-live-1
and here is the first set on it, all usefully embedded herein.....
LIVE IN LEWES 20 nov 2011 (set 1) by meshmass - live

this set was recorded live on 20th november 2011 from 3 in the afternoon at the con club in lewes in front of a number of indifferent drunks, some friends of meshmass and tom juno's gran, who is lovely. it is entirely unedited and just as played. 

we hope you like it.
in a startling innovation the heroic and fraternal peoples of meshmass have instigated a revolutionary project known only as 'minimass', under the rules of which no single piece of music is to be allowed to exceed 7 minutes in duration. this is completely contrary to the usual practice, as everyone must realise. as a result of this startling and radical innovation the meshmass collective has produced this week not one, not three, and not any other number except twelve (read it and tremble, oh ye sinners; 12) individual and distinct instrumental works which will be exposed gradually to the withering indifference of the universe over the next week or so..... 
to begin with:

creeper two by meshmass
and again:
overlockerer by meshmass
due to extensions built especially to house us underneath the world wide web we are now able to link to the second set we played on sunday LIVE IN LEWES, (possibly the only things actually known to be live there at that time.) perhaps later on we will be able to provide you with the first set too, assuming that burrowing underneath the internet does not cause it to collapse altogether, leading to a total information inferno and preventing witless folk from wasting their money buying useless and probably non-functional objects on e-bay. LIVE in lewes 20 nov (2) by meshmass
meshmass have played - and survived - their sunday afternoon matinĂ©e show at the constitutional club, lewes, where a print of winston churchill looked on disapprovingly as they continued with hardly a pause for 2 hours creating bewilderment in some and indifference in many. we have a recording and it's surprisingly good, but it's so long that i cannot yet link it here, there is not room in cyberspace or bandwidth on the hyperweb capable of handling that much meshmass. the general opinion was that meshmass would have been better at another time - or place - or possibly in another world altogether. 

well, i have often had that feeling.

richard played his fretless guitar and had a moustache. he was at pains to point out that it wasn't a real moustache but only a charity moustache. peter played soprano as well as alto sax. they played through domestic speakers in a noisy bar. probably 30% of the concert was purely improvised and the rest combined improvisation with pre-prepared material. several of their friends came to see them, but i will not embarrass them here (i shall embarrass them in some other place.)  i shall - and do -  mention the very splendid jean heywood, however. there, i told you i would.

when it was all over peter sprayed himself with orange juice. we do not know why, and dare not ask.
we have a live performance, a show, a concert, a gig
on sunday afternoon, 20th november
from 3-5
at the CON CLUB,
just above the bottleneck on lewes high street
and it's free....

i wonder what we will do?
after all that banging it's time for something a little calmer. and - just imagine! - in a fortnight we will be playing a gig in lewes, all for free. duvet by meshmass
the wonderful scratchy world of meshmass introduces to you a delicious new flavour of sound: OVERLOCKER overlocker by meshmass , merely one piece from the session on tuesday. ............................................. and not only audio but video also..... (ha ha) . . . compulsory video, starring YOU. . JUSTICE Freedom From Suspicion, Surveillance Reform for a Digital Age . . . . and we have a gig in lewes soon..... on a sunday afternoon.... for free.......
a frightening document has come into our possession, it is best described as a moving picture, and it presents a partial record of the 3 hour performance meshmass gave at the FESTIVAL OF BROWN in montalegre, portugal, in august 2011. those interested may view it here. so may those who are not interested, but they will probably not do so.

Castanho Concerto from quicoserrano on Vimeo.

no sooner that than something else appears! startled in your headlights as you approach at a dangerous speed it is kremer.... this track is named after a german artists' materials supplier who stock a fascinating selection of powdered minerals and ground earths. i cannot tell you why it is so named - i am sworn to secrecy.

kremer by meshmass
here we are in the merry world of meshmass where nothing makes sense or matters at all and everything is free. what do you mean you detect some irony here? this is not irony, it is plasticy. and plasticity is the new strength - just look at our glorious leader, a jelly filled with sharks. 
but enough of this politics.
there is new meshmass, always arriving, always changing, as endless as the weather, free to you because you are lovely.

mobile by meshmass

this piece is called 'mobile' and it wishes you a happy halloween, although why halloween should be happy only it and the spirits of the night could tell you.